First, Baby Girl Darnell got a Raggedy Ann Doll. I got one when I was a baby so my Mom thought Little Girl needed one too! It is packaged so cute I don't know if I should take it out of the package or actually let her play with it.

Tuesday night, the Middle School Volleyball team at Jeremy's school had a Volley for the Cure night. They sold pink t-shirts, had a bake sale, had raffles and silent auctions, they played with a pink and white ball. It was fun to attend.

Here is the shirt they sold.
I entered a few raffles and won this cute little bucket of items. I will save the bucket, bubbles, and stuffed animal for our Little Girl. Although this week, the whale is not a very good topic since the whale at Sea World took the life of one of the trainers.

I bid on a few items in the silent auction and won a few items. Most of the things were pink in some way with some accents, a lot of zebra print, which I love zebra print!
One thing I won in the silent auction was this blanket.

Once I got the blanket home, I realized it was made by a 4th grader from the opposing team. Very impressive the girl made it all by herself:) I can't wait to use it for Baby Girl Darnell to play on!
The next item I won in the silent auction was a zebra print bag full of things. I am excited about the golf balls and golf towel. I will probably put some of the shoe laces in my golf shoes. I will definitely get good use out of several items in the bag. I will have to find a little skinny minnie to give the zebra and pink shorts too as they are major Daisy Dukes and size XS:)

I ordered this little hat and diaper cover off of Etsy for Baby Girl Darnell. I am super excited as I think it will be precious for newborn pics. Can't wait to put it on her and take some pictures! It came in the mail this week. (I will probably trim some of the ribbon off of the diaper cover. It is a little long for my liking)

Yesterday, I got home from work and there was a little gift sitting on the counter. It came in the mail and Jeremy opened the box but left the gift for me to open. The gift came from The Lockhart's. The Lockhart's are renting our house in Urbana while their house in St. Joe is being built. We thought it was very thoughtful of them to have a gift sent to us.

Cute Von Maur gift wrap!

They had the cutest paci clip sent to us.

I laughed yesterday....My Dad called me at my office (my Dad works on Campus as well) and asked if I was at work....well yes as a matter of fact I am! He said well I have something for you, so I met him outside in the parking lot and he dropped off these cute socks for the baby. How cute! I know that Sharon (my step-mom) bought them, but I thought it was funny my Dad brought them to me at work:)

Thursday night I attended an Infant CPR and SIDS Awareness program at a church here in town. It was very informative and definitely an eye opener. Very scary and something I do not wish upon anyone! Jeremy had to supervise 8th grade night for volleyball so we both got home late. I left Lucie out of her kennel thinking she could be trusted. Well not so much. The picture below is of Lucie in time-out. Jeremy confined her to the dog bed. She went into the Baby's room and took a couple of her new books and chewed them up. Part of it was my fault as I left them in a little basket on the floor and I should not have, but she has not bothered them yet so I thought they would be ok. She was upset that I left her or upset that I did not take her with. Regardless, I am hoping that by the time Baby Darnell gets here, this current baby can be trusted and be a good puppy!
She was looking a little bit more pitiful than this and that is what I was trying to get the picture of. Dee is thinking "I have nothing to do with this, why does she have to lay in my bed?"
Today I had lunch with my Mom and my Grandma. It was so much fun! We never get to do that. My Grandma said she had a gift for me and she brought me this most precious necklace. It is a little baby bootie with diamonds on it. I love it!!! Thanks Maw-Maw!
Today I had lunch with my Mom and my Grandma. It was so much fun! We never get to do that. My Grandma said she had a gift for me and she brought me this most precious necklace. It is a little baby bootie with diamonds on it. I love it!!! Thanks Maw-Maw!
Jeremy has had something at the school pretty much every night this week so I have not seen much of him. So tonight I was able to get the upstairs cleaned while he has been gone. I plan to clean the downstairs tomorrow, but before I do that, I have an appointment at the Spa in town to get a mani & pedi. I can not wait! I have not had a pedi since I was 6 weeks pregnant! So needless to say, my feet are pretty ugly right now:) Next Friday is my next Furlough Day, which I have a prenatal massage scheduled as well as a hair appointment, I hope to work in an eye brow waxin too! All about the pampering right now.
Other than that, we do not have many plans and are looking forward to it. With Jeremy having something every night, he is pretty exhausted and ready to relax.
Have a great weekend!