Well, I am almost 38 weeks and we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby Girl Darnell! I had a Dr. appt on Friday and I am dialated to a 2 now. My Dr. still thinks it could happen at any given moment. I know I could be a 2 for another week or two but I am hoping it happens sooner rather than later! I am so anxious I can hardly stand it.
Everything is looking great. I did not gain any weight since last appt so I guess that is good. I was expecting to gain since I have been eating everything in sight:) Or so it seems.
Last night we had dinner at Red Lobster hoping some shrimp might spark something more. I have been walking a great deal and doing lots of things around the house.
One of the things I am enjoying most is not having any plans the month of June. I purposely tried to have everything done by the end of May so I could just relax and go with the flow. Of course I have normal house cleaning and things to do but it is nice to not have anything pressing. I am very anxious to have a 12 week break from work as well. I am looking forward to that time with the baby and staying home! Jeremy has been keeping himself busy as well by mowing the yard every other day...hahaha! The joke of the neighborhood is they are going to take the spark plugs out of his mower because he does mow a lot. However, his yard does look very nice! I will try and post pics soon of our landscaping, flowers, and yard.
Here I am last weekend. We went to dinner at Minecci's for my Grandma's b-day.

This is me this weekend. This was after getting home from my walk on the track. The exercise has felt great! Although, if I have one more person tell me I look like I am about to pop I might scream! I am completely aware of the basketball I have in my tummy and don't need to be reminded on a daily basis..haha!

A few other random things....
Jeremy's Dad came over Friday to golf with him in a golf outing and Jan sent these beautiful Hydrangea's along from her yard!

Today has been a lovely Sunday! We have been very productive. I have done laundry, got groceries, made pasta salad and brownies, sliced strawberries, switched purses (very important) and balanced the checkbook. Jeremy has mowed both yards (our house in Urbana and our home here).
One thing we do most Sundays is we have a tradition of having waffles for breakfast. Even the doggies share a waffle...so I thought I would share a pic of Lucie eating her waffle on this lovely Sunday morning! They basically stand right next to Jeremy when he is making them to make sure he does not forget about their waffle. We don't give them much table food but they do look forward to their waffles on Sundays!

Our renters moved out of our house in Urbana. We will have a new renter moving in in July. We decided to take it off the market and we will be renting it to a Vet Student for 2 years as she finishes up vet school. It will work out well for everyone. She seems to be a very responsible girl that will keep the house nice and hopefully the housing market will bounce back and we won't have to take such a cut on the asking price.
My cousin Jessica had her baby girl Kenley Lynn on Friday morning. I went to visit after my Dr. appt on Friday and she is precious. She was 8 lbs 6 oz. She has a head full of dark hair. I hope to post a pic soon but I forgot to take my camera on Friday. I did take a pic with my phone but it did not turn out the greatest.
Hope everyone has a great week. Hope to have some exciting news in the near future of our sweet little girl!