On June 18th, 2010 our lives changed forever. Jeremy and I woke up thinking we were going to go about a typical Friday. Little did we know, we would be welcoming our baby girl almost 2 weeks early.
On Thursday on my way home from work I was very uncomfortable. I was ready to get home and relax. Once I got home and relaxed on the couch I felt better so I thought maybe I had just over done it at work. Friday morning I had my regular weekly appointment at 8:15. My plan was to go to my appointment and then head to work right after. Jeremy was planning to go to work as well. I woke up on Friday and again felt uncomfortable. I could barely eat my cereal. Jeremy decided he would take me to my appointment just in case and then drop me off at work after. We decided we would take our hospital bags along as well....just in case.
When I arrived at my appointment, I let the Nurse Practioner know how I had been feeling. (I see her every other appointment and see my Dr. every other appointment...this particular day...my Dr. was off of work). She decided to hook me up to monitors and see if I was having contractions. Sure enough, I was having contractions...they did not hurt, but was just a little uncomfortable. At this point I was still only dialated to a 2, same as the week before. She indicated she wanted us to go walk for a while and come back to be checked again to see if any sign of labor was actually happening. She also indicated that we should go eat something as if I am in labor I will not be able to eat for a long time. So we headed to Panera, I got my chocolate chip bagel with light hazelnut cream cheese. We then headed to the mall....we walked 3 full laps at the mall and went back to the Dr. office. Within the hour to hour and a half time frame I had dialated another cm. She consulted with the Dr. that was in the office and they decided to send us to labor & delivery. We headed over to the hospital from the clinic to labor & delivery around 12 or 12:30. We got all checked in, hooked up to monitors. My contractions were there but were consistent for a while and then would die off and then come back. Around 2 or 2:30 they had me get up and start walking around labor & delivery. I walked for an hour and came back...they checked me and I dialated another cm.
The day went by so fast, it was almost a blur. Before I knew it I was having my water broke and my epidural. I know they broke my water I believe at 6:10 and by 9:15 I was fully dialated and ready to push. I began pushing at 9:15 and pushed for 2 hours.
I was never ever in pain during the whole process. The worst part was getting the epidural. The person that administered the epidural tried about 5 times in one location of my back only for the catheder to come out and ended up having to start all over in another part of my back. I had Jeremy on one side of me and a nurse on the other holding my hands and I was sweating bullets...it was not the most pleasant experience. I am very glad I got the epidural as like I said, I had no pain the whole entire day...even before I got the epidural. Even between pushes I was having Jeremy text our family in the waiting room, having a normal conversation with the nurse and eating ice chips!
At 11:15 pm we welcomed the most beautiful baby girl in the world. Adlee Marie Darnell was born weighing in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. 20 inches long. She came out and grabbed on to the Drs smock. Jeremy said my facial expression was priceless to see my reaction when I saw our baby girl for the first time. I just kept saying oh my goodness she is beautiful...oh my goodness she is beautiful! I could not get over and I still stare at her for hours.
I was fortunate that the Dr. on call at the hospital was the high risk Dr. Not that anything was wrong with Adlee, because there was not, but I spose if you can't have your regular Dr. then the high risk Dr. is the one you want to deliver your baby. And he was awesome!!! I have no complaints what so ever about the labor & delivery. My green popsicle was especially awesome since I was soooooo hungry.
I feel very fortunate to have had a pretty easy labor & delivery for being my first pregnancy. I think someone was looking over us knowing all the problems we had to get her here.
Our family was patiently waiting in the waiting room. They had to wait a little while but they weren't leaving for nothing. I think they finally got to come in and see their new Grandbaby around midnight.
We decided to take a few pics in the delivery room to have for keepsake. The only person in the room for the longest time was myself, Jeremy and the nurse. Right before Adlee was born, the Dr. came in to deliver her and 2 other nurses came in to help out with the delivery and to clean her up, etc.
One thing I can say is my husband was the best thing on earth during the whole labor & delivery. Jeremy does have coaching experience, however his coaching in the labor & delivery room was exceptional. He was soooo good to me and did everything I asked and was such a great support person. His expression was just as priceless when he saw his baby girl for the first time as well. Once she was born and took to the warmer I had him go over to be with her and she immediately grabbed his finger and had a good grip on it. How precious is that. She knew it was her Daddy already!
Again, Jeremy and I are thrilled to have our little Adlee girl in our lives. She is just precious. Although we are a little sleep deprived and our lives are forever changed, we don't know what we would do without this little girl now!!!

Self portrait, getting ready to have a baby!
Pictures of the labor & delivery room below...

Jeremy thought he would take a picture of the clock:) Adlee was born almost 6 hours later, although it didn't seem that long!