One of Jeremy's 8th grade students made this cake for us. He loves Food Network and is wanting to get into making cakes. It was a red velvet cake with cream cheese icing. He did great on it!
Saturday Adlee's Grandparents came over for the day. Jeremy and I were able to get a few things done. We went to eat lunch at the golf course and colored eggs.
Adlee also got her Easter basket from them and it was full! Lots of clothes and other fun stuff!
Here is Adlee's basket from the Easter Bunny! The Easter Bunny was really good to Adlee!
I made these "carrots" for the kids at our Sunday family Easter gathering.
Someone woke up Easter morning with some crazy hair:) She loved her Easter basket and pulling everything out of it.
Her eggs had money for her piggy bank and puffs!
The sun was shining a little bright Easter morning.
Adlee with her Grandpa Kenny!
There was a little Easter egg hunt. Adlee found a couple of eggs!
Adlee found a tractor to play with. She really liked playing with the tractor! I think she wants one!
When we got home we played some more!