A couple of Saturday's ago, the 3 of us headed to Bloomington to get out of the house. We went to Target, met Jeremy's Mom for lunch and had ice cream. I had been sick that week and really wanted to get out of the house. While we were at Target, all Adlee wanted was a pair of purple shoes. Well of course they did not have her size so we headed to Von Maur right next door to see what kind of purple shoes they had. Of course she picked up the $50 pair of Puma's. I was telling the story and the sales lady overheard and said we have the perfect pair of shoes for you on clearance. So she sat down and got her foot measured (rockin her sunglasses by the way) and she got a pair of purple Saucony's. She was one happy girl! There is a picture below of her still rocking her shades at lunch that same day! Apparently she thought she was a rockstar that day! Too funny!

One of her favorite shows to watch right now is Frosty the Snowman. I can't tell you how much we have watched Frosty. Adlee is only 20 months old and her favorite movie line from Frosty is "No Money, No Ticket!" when Frosty tries to purchase a ticket to the North Pole. She was lounging one Saturday on the couch, with her "phone" watching Frosty, like she was 16!

This past Sunday, we attended a Pancake and Sausage breakfast at the Elementary school. The Lions Club hosted it and Adlee sat at the table like a big girl eating her pancakes and sausage with her friend Chloe.
Adlee and I had a girls day on Saturday, which I have pictures from that as well that I will post this week! We had a great day and had so much fun! Of course it involved shopping and lunch!