Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Great Weekend!

We had a great weekend. First and foremost, we got to go see our precious dogs that we miss so much! They were very happy to see us and not so happy for us to leave them today, they thought they were gonna go back home with us. As much as they love their Grandma and Grandpa, they miss their Mommy & Daddy. Lucie was so cute last night, she slept right between Jeremy and I in the bed, under the covers sharing both of our pillows, stretched out like a human.
Yesterday, my Mother-in-law and I had a garage sale. I have never seen so many people at garage sales in my life. We made over $350, pretty darn good seeings how we didn't have a ton of stuff and we priced our stuff very cheap just to get rid of it. Jeremy was very happy, he was able to fish and golf with his Dad and go mushroom hunting. Jan and I went shopping today and spent some of our earnings, so all was happy this weekend:)
Today, our realtor had an open house at our house. Had 7 couples go through, 2 of which he hopes to follow up with tomorrow. We also have a showing tomorrow. Wish us luck so we can get our doggies back to their home.
On our way back from Pekin today, we drove through our future home town of Gibson City. We drove by our lot and saw that the builders have it all staked and ready to dig the hole. So progress is being made.
We hope everyone has a great week and we hope to post some more good things soon!

1 comment:

  1. Kim and Jeremy!
    I love your blog! Isn't it so much fun! Welcome to the world of bloggers:) Hope you are having good luck with your house. Looking forward to seeing you guys in a month!!!!
