Our little Punkin turned 5 months old on 11/18. Since her Mommy has been too busy to blog, I am just now updating!

Adlee really is a good baby! We are so lucky and feel so blessed every day!
She is growing like a weed and does not go back to the Dr. until Jan 3rd. Her 6 month appointment got pushed back a bit due to the Holidays!
So what is Adlee up to...
Adlee, you are wearing typically size 6 months clothes. Sometimes you can fit in 3-6 and others you can fit in 6-9...it just depends on the brand but mostly size 6 months.
You are sleeping really well at night. You may sleep through the night and sometimes you may get up once but if you do get up you go right back to sleep.
You are wearing size 2 or 3 diapers. Just depends on what we have and what we are using.
You love your cereal and think you are a big girl and try to grab the spoon and feed yourself.
We have given you Prunes (for obvious reasons) and Peas and just tonight started Green Beans.
You are rolling around all over the place. Sometimes you get mad if you are on your tummy and can't seem to get yourself to your back.
You love to play on the floor with your toys and play in your jumparoo.
You stick everything in your mouth. We are waiting for a tooth to pop in. We have been thinking it is going to happen for quite a while now.
You like to play peek a boo with Mommy!
Daddy can get you to giggle a lot more than Mommy!
You are a chatterbox...if only we knew what you were saying!
You like to act shy and bury your head in Mommy around some people!
You love daycare and your friends at daycare. They often times wake you from your naps but you still love it!
We are pretty set in our routine and you are ready for bed once 7:00 rolls around. We still do bath first and you now recognize your bottle and stare at it until you get it.
You also think you are a big girl and can hold your own bottle.
You smile really big at Mommy when Mommy says Cutie Pootie Tootie Fruitie! We are still trying to train your Grandma Cathy on saying it...one of these days she will get it...haha!
You are such a joy when you wake up in the morning....always a smile on your face!
Time is flying by and we love you more and more every day Adlee Girl! Mommy and Daddy are so in love with you!