Warning: Picture Overload!
Wow, we have been busy the last couple of weeks! So busy I have not had time to really blog much, by the time I sit down I am wiped!
This weekend we started went to Kid's Day at the Park! It was so much fun. Adlee had a ball and had her picture taken with a clown. She did great!

Tonight we attended the Circus that came to town. Adlee had so much fun hanging out with her friends watching the Circus! We went to dinner afterwards and then got ice cream. It was about 100 degrees under the big top, we were all soooo hot.

August 6th we had a Neighborhood Block Party! We had so much fun. The guys pulled grills out to the street and we had so much yummy food. We have so many kids on our street. 3 of the houses pulled out inflatables that the kids could jump in. Another neighbor brought out popsicles. It was a great afternoon and we all had so much fun!

The day before the neighborhood block party, Adlee and I went to Miller Park Zoo with my Mom and Steve. Jeremy happened to get Pnemounia so we gave him a chance to be at home to rest that day. I had just had a mole removed surgically and wasn't really supposed to be lifting Adlee so my Mom and Steve came to help out.

August 16th was my birthday. Jeremy had a school board meeting for the 2nd year in a row. It is also Steve's birthday as well, so my Mom and Steve came up and we went to the German restaurant for dinner. I had taken the 15th and 16th off of work to hang out with Adlee and we had a great couple of days.
On the 14th, Jeremy and I headed to St. Louis to go to a Cards game. We hadn't been to a game this year and it was a great little day trip. We had a quiet lunch together and went to the outlet mall and then headed to the game. The weather was really nice. We got to see Albert Pujols crank a home run out, longest homerun in Busch Stadium 3.

We ran into Jeremy's Aunt Jeanine and Cousin Caroline at the game. They live really close to St. Louis.

Adlee got money for her birthday to buy a swingset. On one of my days off I took her to the bank to take money out of her savings account to purchase her swingset. We got a great used swingset from our neighbor. Adlee got the pink swing as a gift for her birthday. She loves swinging on her swing and goes "Weeeee" every time she swings!

We have had a blast the last several weeks! Although I am ready for Fall, I also don't want the Summer to end. We have enjoyed grilling out quite a bit, hitting up Dairy Queen, playing outside and seeing all the neighbors outside. It is hard to believe that this Friday is the first home football game for the High School.
Jeremy is back in school now. Kids had their first full day today.
Adlee is doing so much new fun stuff every day. She is walking, although she gets lazy and still crawls. She talks A LOT! She loves saying her name, Mommy, Daddy, Dee, Boom Boom (Lucie), ball, dog, hi, bye, and many many more. She basically repeats everything we say. She is a little lover and loves to give us hugs and kisses. Whether she gives us a hug or her baby doll she says "Awww..." every time. It is so precious! We love our baby girl so much!