Our little Adlee Girl is 11 Months Old today! Oh my! She is doing something new about every day!
Here are our outtakes from the 11 Month photo shoot!

Adlee is a very busy little girl. She is constantly on the move and into everything! Adlee is noticing everything right now and pointing to everything. She likes to say Mama, Dada, Ball, Dog, Oh, and many other things we have no clue what they are.
Adlee has 8 teeth!
Adlee has started to walk behind her little baby stroller. She is not walking by herself just yet but we are practicing.
Adlee loves to play with ALL of her toys and get ALL of them off the shelf.
Adlee's newest thing is throwing the ball for the doggies. She gets so excited and so proud of herself. She likes to gross Mommy out and put it in her mouth first....eewww!
We are working on more table food for Adlee. She is trying to get used to some of the textures. She loves her yogurt melts and puffs though. She eats those like a CHAMP!

As you can see from the picture below, she likes to get that Oh! expression on her face! It is so cute!

I have exactly 1 month to finish planning Adlee's 1st birthday party! It is gonna be a great one!