This weekend really did go by fast! We were able to get quite a bit done but I still have quite a bit to do.
Hopefully by next weekend, I will be able to post pictures of the final and complete nursery. I have a few things coming in this week that I ordered as well as a picture to be hung by my husband and then all should be complete. As complete as it can be I guess! I have to say it is quite cute!
Friday night we went to view the rest of our maternity pictures. They are soooo good. I don't know how we are gonna choose what to purchase.
I have caught a cold last week. I actually stayed home on Thursday and thought I was getting better on Friday and then by Saturday night I felt lousy again. I just want it to go away. It is making me feel more miserable than I already do.
Friday, I also had my Dr. appt. Everything is looking good. I am measuring about a week and a half ahead. I am now on the every week Dr visits schedule. I was checked and I am not dialated but starting to thin a little bit.
I am hoping to have all the cleaning and organizing done in the house by the end of next weekend just in case she decides to come early. I want to be able to relax and just hang out with Jeremy until she gets here.
Saturday we had our last baby class. We took back some returns and exchanged for some things that we still needed. We also had a graduation party to attend for my step cousin Jack. He graduated from High School. By the time we got home I was wiped out.
Today, Jeremy golfed this morning. I was able to finish some projects I wanted to get done as well as put more things away in the baby's room. I have started washing bottles, snack cups, sippy cups that we got for shower gifts. I am not done yet but will finish this week and have all of that put away.
Jeremy cleaned and organized the garage today. It looks really nice.
It was so incredibly hot we had to turn on our a/c yesterday. Even the dogs did not want to be out too long because they were too hot. With me being so prego, I found plenty to keep me busy inside the house.
Also on my agenda this week is finishing all my shower thank yous! I have plenty to keep me busy this week.
Jeremy's last day with kids at school is this Friday. His first year as Principal went by so fast. Of course he still works during the summer but he has some planned days off since the baby will be coming.
Right now he is watching Lost and I am playing on my computer feeling Baby D have a dance class in my belly! Boy she is wild! I never got into Lost so I don't really care to watch it.
Hope everyone has a great week. Looking forward to next weekend already as it will be a long weekend.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 431
4 days ago