Yesterday was my birthday and it was great. It is extra special this year since the best birthday present ever came this year....Miss Adlee Girl!
The bday festivities started on Sunday. Jeremy and Adlee took me to Ko Fusion, a sushi restaurant for my birthday. Jeremy had to work all day Monday and had school board meeting Monday night so that was when we could go to dinner. It was sooo yummy. Adlee got her Mommy some money to go buy herself something so her and I had a little girls day yesterday on my birthday. I got some other bday money as well so I got a new watch and a new hair straightener.
Here are a few other items I received for my bday.
The pictures ended up posting backwards in the order I really wanted them.

This was last night after Adlee's bath...sooo cute!

It was also my Mom's boyfriend Steve's bday so Adlee and I met them at Texas Roadhouse last night for dinner, after we had been to Target and the Mall on our girls day.

This was yesterday morning. She was such a joy yesterday. She is a joy every day but yesterday she was soooo good for my birthday. She sat in her bouncy seat while I showered and just looked around. Then she looked at me all the way through Target, she loves Target:) Then she just chilled in her stroller through the mall. She sat quietly and looked around as we enjoyed dinner at Texas Roadhouse. I think she was pooped last night after our shopping because she slept really well. I put her down around 8:45 and she slept until about 2:30. She ate and went right back to sleep, slept again until 6:30ish and ate again, went back to sleep until about 9:15.

Yesterday morning we played around with the Baby Bjorn to see if we could figure it out. It is quite the contraption and we are going to downtown Chicago this weekend to stay the night and do a little bit on Michigan Ave so I thought I would get the Bjorn figured out so she is not stuck in her stroller all day.

My birthday was great this year and it was fun spending it with my daughter. She is just too precious. I thank everyone for the birthday wishes as well.
I have had inquiries about Adlee's birthmark. I plan to do a post on that later as it should disappear and I want to be able to remember it. She has a strawberry hemangioma up her arm.