Adlee is 4 months old today....10.18.10! So hard to believe it has been 4 months already!
Enjoy the outtakes of our 4 month old photo shoot this morning before leaving for daycare/work.

This picture cracks me is like she is saying "Enough already Mom!"

We tried to get a self portrait but it turned out blurry...oh well:)
Adlee is an absolute joy!! I feel like she is the best baby and just always happy. Unless she is hungry then she will let us know.
Adlee, you are wearing size 2 diapers. They are a little big but 1's are getting too small.
Daddy took you to the Dr. last Monday to get your ears checked and you weighed approximately 15 lbs.
You are still on formula only. We have your 4 month old appointment a week from today so we hope Dr. R will say you can have cereal. I am sure you will love it!
You are wearing 3 month clothing. Give or take a few outfits.
You love daycare and all your friends at daycare. It makes it a lot easier for Mommy to go to work every day.
You still love your little bouncy seat. We sit you in that when you just finish eating to let your food settle and other various times during the day and you just sit there and jabber to us.
You also still love your floor time. You are better with tummy time now and you are holding your head pretty good. Still a little wobbly sometimes but mostly really well.
We also have you in your Bumbo seat and you love it. You still play with your play mat as well. And your Little Tykes adjustable toy.
You have found your voice and you are the noisiest little girl. You often times have your own little party in your crib at 2 a.m. You put yourself back to sleep though.
You still get up one time during the night. We are hoping once you start cereal it will help. Sometimes you will surprise us and sleep straight through but most of the time it is up once.
We start bedtime at 7. It includes a bath, applying "moisturizer" to your face and good smelling lotion, reading a couple of books and night time bottle. We liked to have you in bed no later than 8 but on most nights you are asleep before 8. You go to bed for us really well and are very used to your routine.
We typically have to wake you to get you ready for daycare around 6:45 or 7.
We think you may be teething or starting the teething process. You constantly have your hands or something in your mouth and you drool ALL the time.
You still love your bathtime a bunch!
You had your first cold a few weeks ago and it scared Mommy and Daddy to death:)
You are such a good happy baby. I could go on and on but Mommy is getting really sleepy.
Mommy and Daddy love you so much and are so blessed. We are amazed by you each and every day.
Love you little girl! We are looking forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! Mommy and Daddy has done some Christmas shopping and we have given Santa some hints.