Thursday, September 9, 2010

Adlee's First Day of Daycare!

The day I have dreaded has come along! Today, Adlee started daycare. I start work tomorrow and we took her to daycare today for a trial run and in case I wanted to go get her in an hour I could. I did really well. I did better than I thought I would. I cried of course and had several melt downs the last week. I kept myself busy today. I had several errands to run to prepare for going back to work. I also wanted to tidy up the house so I feel like I have a clean house when going back to work. We took Adlee to daycare at 7:30 this morning. This is the time she will be dropped off most mornings. Jeremy went with me which was nice. I only called once about 10:30 and I picked her up at 3:30. I felt a little relieved when we got to daycare and Vickie, the babysitter, took her and Adlee fell asleep in her arms.
This morning Adlee woke up at 6 ready to go. She has been sleeping until about 7 or 7:30 so I thought we would have to wake her up. She must have known it was her first day as she was up early ready to go.
We got her dressed all cute for her first day!

She wore her "Brand New" shirt since she was the new kid on the block today at daycare. (Excuse Lucie licking her hand)

Of course she had to get a pick with Mommy and Daddy!

Daddy got her all buckled in her seat!

This is Vickie, Adlee's babysitter.

This is what I found when I went to pick her up!!! She looked like she had a rough day!! haha! I told Vickie I wanted to make sure she got floor time in the morning and afternoon. Well Vickie said she fell asleep on the floor and she has never done that!!! I thought it was funny she had one sock on and one sock off and her bib was to one side!!

She had a great day and enjoyed being around the other kids, but she was happy to see her Mommy come pick her up!

We came home and played and she was really tired. She fell asleep in my arms. I had to wake her up to give her a bath and give her her night time bottle. I am hoping she sleeps through the night. She was a little clingy and a little fussy this evening. One, I think she was tired and two I think she missed her Mommy today. She is used to being with me all the time.

Vickie said she did great. She watched the other kids and I think their busyness wore her out! I am excited to have her in daycare as I think it will be good for her to interact with the other kids and eventually learn to share and be around other kids.
I hope she continues to have good days at daycare.
I hope tomorrow is easy on me!!! Today I knew I could go pick her up whenever I wanted. Now it is back to reality since that money tree never sprouted in our back yard!!!
Have a great weekend!

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