Friday, March 26, 2010
Furlough Friday!
It was a successful trip! We ended up finding lamps for her room and pink lamp shades to go with. I also found a really cute small pink vase to put in her room with some sort of flower. I am going to create my own wall hanging and I found a white framed picture frame. We found a few other things for the house as well.
We enjoyed lunch at Portillo's and stopped by Bass Pro Shops to look around! We stopped by H&M and I found a non-maternity clothing item!
Today we got home and the blinds we ordered for our windows came in! We are very happy with them. Jeremy got most of them hung today! The blind for our back slider is on back order til hopefully only mid April.
I hope to do a pregnancy post this weekend! It has been a while since I did a pregnancy post.
We don't have any plans for the weekend which is nice! I hope to be able to continue on with my house organizing to get it all accomplished before the baby comes.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Baby D's Easter Present!
I had to take a picture with my phone because my camera battery was dead so the quality is not the greatest!

We had fun in the 24 hours they were at our house. We went to dinner Friday night. We all went to the Outlet Mall on Saturday. Of course Baby D got some things bought for her there as well. Baby D's Grandma Jan is going to make the curtains for her nursery so we were trying to track down enough fabric for Jan to be able to complete the curtains. They are going to be black with white polka dots. After calling about every Hobby Lobby in the State of IL, I think she finally tracked down enough fabric. I can't wait to get them hung up in her room.
I am looking for other little items to make her room super precious! We did find her her first diamond this weekend at Hobby Lobby. It is a pink diamond that we can put on her shelf in her room! Super cute. May as well teach her young to like big diamonds:)
Baby Girl was moving all over the place this weekend! She was an active little girl! It was really cool to see my belly moving!
I began my house organization. I want to clean all closets, cabinets, drawers, etc before she gets here. I started with the upstairs and am going to work my way down! I got the upstairs pretty much done. I am going through items for donation to Goodwill. The good thing is our house is not too bad since we just moved in end of August, I did a lot of donating and throwing away at that time. I did the same thing with my office on Friday. I actually had some spare time so I cleaned and organized in my office at work!
Jeremy is on spring break this week! I am so jealous! He is actually going to work to get a few things done but I wish I was on spring break too! The UofI is on spring break as well so coming to work this morning was alot less busy! I have one of my Furlough Days on Friday. Looking forward to having another day off.
Jeremy did take a picture of me this morning so I will try and upload that this week sometime.
I did receive the baby bedding in the mail last week, however, it was not what I expected. So I called the lady and she was willing to take it back and have me re-order. So I re-ordered and did not change anything this time...(the pink minky fabric was not what I thought I was getting). So the post a while back that showed the picture of the baby bedding is exactly what the bedding will look like.
Hope everyone has a great week!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A Baby Filled Weekend!
Luke brought this little gift for Baby Darnell. I think Baby Darnell knew her future boyfriend was here as she was moving all weekend long.
Luke's Daddy and Baby Darnell's Daddy love to hunt together and since Jeremy insists his daugther will need some camo, this is the perfect fit.

And here is cute little Luke! He was eating his dinner but this picture was just too cute!

Dee and Lucie did not know what to think about having a baby in the house. Boy are they going to have a rude awakening. Of course Dee thought Luke's blanket was her blanket, just like any other blanket in the house, she thinks they are all hers! She was the protector of Luke over the weekend!

Luke and Dee just chillin!

And Lucie thought that Luke's toys were her toys, or should be her toys. She definitely thought he had the coolest toys. Especially this squeeky giraffe. I think she was trying to give Luke kisses here so maybe he would share his toys with her.
Luke and his Mommy. We took him to see Jeremy's school. I thought his little hat was so cute. His Mom said she got it off of Etsy.

We had a great weekend with Sean, Tiff, & Luke. The weather was not the most pleasant, but we enjoyed each other's company. Tiff and I went to the Spa Saturday morning which was fabulous. We hung out, talked, played with Luke and ate. Jeremy made us a great dinner Saturday night of grilled kabobs (steak, mushrooms, red, orange and yellow peppers, zuchinni, squash). He also made great grilled sweet potatoes. They were really good!
Here is Holden smiling for his Aunt Kim and letting her know how much he loves her:)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Baby Bedding has shipped!
We have house guests coming over this weekend. We are excited to have our friends Sean & Tiffany and their little boy Luke over. Luke is 6 months old and they live in Iowa and we have yet to meet Luke! I am sure I will take a few pictures of little Luke when he is over! Luke has a doggie named Gunner that is Dee & Lucie's big burley boyfriend! They love it when Gunner comes to visit. Although Gunner may be a little disappointed as we don't live on the pond anymore...he won't be able to go for a dip at his own leisure! Oh well, they can run around the back yard!
Tiff and I are looking forward to going to a spa tomorrow. She is getting a massage and I am getting a facial. Hopefully the boys don't try to teach Luke any bad habits when we are gone:)
Have a great weekend!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Baby Girl is growing like a weed!
Today, we got to see our little girl again!!! She was moving all over the place! The picture above was me taking a picture with my cell phone of the sono picture so not the greatest but at least you can see her profile!
She is weighing in at a whopping 1 lb. 9 oz. She is in the 60th percentile which we were told is right where she needs to be. Her heartbeat was 150 bpm...which has remained pretty consistent over the past few appointments.
Mommy is doing great...I am still averaging about a week ahead of schedule. Not that that makes a big difference, it does not change my due date any. But we are hoping I go early....because we are so anxious to meet her. Only early if she is fully developed and ready to come into the world.
I have gained approximately 7 pounds. Which is not too bad, but it has all come in in the last month or so. So, I am thinking it probably has to do with the ability to eat food now, when in the beginning I could hardly eat, and probably little exercise. I have been doing yoga, but I am looking forward to going outside and walking when the weather decides to stay nice out.
Today, they wanted to check the location of the placenta. It has been down really low and if it stays down low (close to my cervix) they may decide to do a c-section on me. It is called placenta previa. Typically the placenta will move and it is still pretty early it could still move where it should be, but that is something that will be monitored throughout my pregnancy. I think it will be checked again at about 34 weeks to determine the location and if a c-section will be needed. Hopefully at that time it has moved to where it should be and we will be good to go!
My next appointment is Friday, April 9th. I get the joy of drinking the nasty orange drink again to check my glucose. But for now, everything looks great, she was moving all around which is great.
Didn't get the greatest ultrasound pics but at least we got to see her and everything looks good!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Furlough Friday!
Today, I am getting a prenatal massage up town at the chiropractic clinic owned by our neighbors. After that, I am getting my hair done up town at the salon! Looking forward to a little pampering.
This weekend we do not have many plans. Just a couple of things to do here and there and I think it will be really nice!
I would like to say congrats to a couple we met when we moved here to Gibson City. Kevin & Emily Davis welcomed their twins Thomas & Tucker to the world yesterday. They will be in the same grade as Baby Girl Darnell. Emily is the vet here in town and is Dee & Lucie's vet when they are unable to see Uncle Chris!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Principal Darnell taking one for the team!
With permission from my husband to post on our are a few pictures of him getting attacked with silly string. He may have actually enjoyed the pie in the face better:) He did have sunglasses on, although you can't tell and was sure to keep his mouth shut.
It's always fun at school when your Principal allows you to have a little fun!!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Surprise Gift!

Only 2 more days of work for me this week and then I have a 3 day weekend since I am Furloughing on Friday. Looking forward to a prenatal massage and getting my hair highlighted and cut!