We had a great Christmas! We got so many nice things! It started on Christmas Eve when my Mom and Steve and Chloe came over and we celebrated our Christmas together. My Mom and Steve made a lasagna and brought it over and we had salad and Texas toast. They also brought over some stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer that were really good.

This was Lucie standing on her perch when I told her Chloe was coming over. She was watching the front door waiting for Chloe.

Here is my little sister Chloe in her Christmas sweater. She is quite the little diva with lots of clothes and toys!

Here is her Christmas sweater, it lights up! Too funny!

I tried to get all the dogs together to get a picture of them all and the stubborn old lady was the only one that was willing to pose. She isn't dumb, she knew I had a treat in my hand!

I put the dog's stockings on the floor and let them have had it. They did need some help and when I was done getting their presents out of their stockings they were looking for more....can you say spoiled!

And Lucie finally had had enough! She was pooped! All this Christmas stuff wore her out, she covered herself up with the blanket. If Lucie gets wore out, you know they played hard....she has LOTS of energy!
Jeremy and I were so excited to wake up in our new house on Christmas morning. Jeremy made us this fabulous Monkey Bread! It was soooo good! We exchanged our gifts/stockings. We had originally said we were not going to get each other anything but we broke the rules. Jeremy got me a Keurig one cup coffee maker, it is red! I love it! I am not drinking coffee but I do use it for the hot chocolate. I am sure I will use it for coffee once Baby Darnell comes. He also got me a foot massager and a Vera Bradley laptop bag. My stocking had some fun things in it too such as Bath & Body Works foot lotion, shea butter lotion, and antibacterial hand lotion, gum, wet wipes. I got Jeremy his year membership to the golf course in our back yard. I also got him some fun things for his stocking as well.

After breakfast and gifts, we loaded up the Tahoe and headed to Pekin to spend Christmas with Jeremy's family.
This is Lucie helping her Daddy drive to Pekin. She did not sit down the whole way. Both dogs were excited!
Here they are....they pretty much rode like this the whole way!
We had a great time in Pekin too! We ate too much food and got a lot of nice things. We were excited to spend the night with Hank & Maggie. Since they are flying out to London for 3 years on the 1st, our time with them is limited.
Hankster sitting on Uncle Jeremy's lap playing his favorite gift...Leap Frog game.
The kids got Zhu Zhu pets for Christmas and Dee was not so sure about them!
I think she was getting annoyed with them:) They were interrupting her afternoon nap!
Baby Darnell got a lot of presents as well. Baby is not even here yet, I can only imagine with next year will be like.
Here is what Baby Darnell got for Christmas. Lots of cute things.
When we left Pekin yesterday, it was a winter wonderland. Well this is what we woke up to in Gibson City this morning. It is very beautiful out and has been snowing all day. I am guessing we already got 4 inches of snow. Jeremy was excited because he got a snowblower from my Mom's boyfriend and he got to use it this morning. He ended up doing our driveway and 2 of the neighbors. We have been pretty lazy all day and it has been great. We have dinner plans with some friends in town tonight. And since both of us are on winter break, we don't have anything to rush around for! Kinda nice!
And some other news, one of my best friends, Chaley and her husband Ryan welcomed their son into the world last night, December 26th at 11:25 p.m. Holden Hamilton Hausle was born weighing 7 lbs 1 oz. 19 inches long. Holden was not due until January 19th. If Chaley had not had him by January 12th they were going to induce her. She had been having some blood pressure issues and ended up having him early. I am very anxious to go see the baby and see my friend. I am sure I will have pictures to post at some point this week.